FAQ’s: Fitness Programs

1. How much time will I have access to my workout program? 

  • This guide is for you to keep forever after purchasing and downloading. Please keep in mind that the pdf link in your email will expire after 24 hours so download immediately or before it expires. Please do not share this PDF with others. 
2. How many times a week should I exercise? 
  • The workout guides provided vary between 3 - 6 day workout splits. This depends on the level of fitness you are in and your overall goals. Ideally, for beginners 3-4 days is best and 4-5+ days for advanced or athletes. 
3. How many days should I rest? 
  • It’s important to include rest days to allow your muscles to recover and grow. An easy way is to alternate between strength training and cardio, with two or more rest days a week, depending on the fitness level it could be one or two.
4. How long does it take to see results? 
  • This can vary between individuals and what their fitness level and goals are. For example, someone who is starting their fitness journey to help gain muscle can start to see results somewhere between two to four weeks. In comparison, someone who is starting their fitness journey to lose a significant amount of weight, can start to see results later on. I understand that can be discouraging since so many of us expect results and changes instantaneously. However, don’t get discouraged. Know that your hard work is paying off, even if you don’t see the results you’re looking for on the scale right away.

A few other ways to track your progress as you go can be the fit of your clothing, being able to complete more challenging or longer workouts, or taking progress photos and comparing as you continue your journey. It’s the small steps along the way that help keep you going, so don’t give up and celebrate the small wins along the way. Consistency is key. 

5. How can I deal with muscle soreness? 
  • When it comes to muscle soreness, a few things will factor in to help you recover your best. Staying on top of your nutrition and eating foods to fuel your body is important as this will give your muscles the nutrients they need for recovery. Rest and plenty of sleep will also play into your recovery as well, giving your muscles that time they need to repair. 
6. Will the workout guides include video examples of the exercises? 
  • Absolutely! All guides will provide a video link to the exercises at the end of each workout page as well as a video library to access all the links easily at any time. 
7. How do we know when to expect new guide drops? 
  • Become a part of the family! Have you subscribed to our e-mails? If not, go ahead and do so. By subscribing to our e-mails, you will be able to receive the latest updates on the upcoming guides and availability for online and 1:1 training.
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